A New Picture Snapper

I recently upgraded my phone. Is it sad that, as a photographer with no real camera, my main interest was about getting something with a good camera that was not just set to Automatic all the time?  I’ve been without my SLR for a year or so now and I miss it, especially the ability to use a good telephoto.

Regardless, a new phone was acquired and with it a pretty good little camera. The added bonus is I let go of my Windows phone and joined the Android ranks thus giving me access to a WordPress app that doesn’t suck.  I normally just post my shots to Instagram but I figured it couldn’t hurt to put them here as well more often. These are from a recent woodland wall yesterday afternoon in near perfect, October weather.  Enjoy!





Posted on October 12, 2015, in Happiness, Nature, Photography and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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